Families and Students: Check out the October Career Navigator Factsheet! In the October factsheet you will find career and college activities, including fun activities for College Month. You will find some great K-12 resources to better prepare you for your future college and/or career. Students are invited to do the activities at home with their family. Factsheet Link: bit.ly/3l1PVk2
SENIORS! Your October Senior Checklist just went out. Please check your email and let me know if you have questions!!! Lots of information available on the website more coming! Fee waiver info on the college page. https://sites.google.com/alconaschools.net/college-career-website
Our meal “GRAB & GO” from 4pm-6pm in the Middle School parking lot will be starting soon! Please do not exit your vehicle. Open your trunk and staff will place meals inside.
Don't forget about the Alcona Tiger Den! We are open for online business. You can pick up you order at the high school or have it shipped! Visit us at www.alconatigerden.com
Ms. Pendergrass will be distributing band envelopes/instruments at the meal Grab N' Go if you have not claimed yours already. Follow the meal pick-up traffic and you will see the band room back doors open. These materials must be claimed by Wednesday this week.
We have a free meal “GRAB & GO” today, Monday, October 5 in the MS parking lot from 4pm-6pm. Meals are free and available for all children age 18 and younger. “Grab & Go’s” during the school year are designed for students working from home or out of school.
REMINDER: Monday, October 5 is a professional development day for staff. There will be no school for most students. High school dual enrollment and CTE students will still have class.
Our next meal “Grab & Go” is tomorrow, Monday, October 5 from 4pm-6pm in the Middle School parking lot. Meals are free and available for all children age 18 and younger, including our virtual students.
High School students, don’t forget about the Voice of Democracy Essay Contest. This is a great opportunity to build up your activities list/awards for senior scholarship applications! Email Mrs. Cordes at cordesh@alconaschools.net your essay by Monday, October 5th at 5pm.
Alcona Community Schools would like to say a special thank you to our custodial team for all the work they do to keep our schools and workplaces sparkling and running smoothly! Happy National Custodial Day! #thankyou #weappreciateyou
For today's #TBT we're doing a shout out to the 1989-1990 yearbook! Check out the Varsity Football Team, National Honor Society, and Mr. Mancine on his Harley with Batman (aka Mr. Petrovich). Students at Alcona in 1990 were “Unlimited!”
Good morning.
A recent executive order may allow the district to incorporate more spectators at home events. We are still waiting for clarification from the MHSAA so no changes will go into effect until at the earliest, 10/9. Until then we will continue to allow two guests per participant. Entry to the event will require a contact tracing form upon arrival and all attendees must abide by the spectator expectations.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Expectations Link
Contact Tracing Form
The COVID-19 quarantine has been lifted for the Alcona Headstart classroom along with the Horse bus. Students can return tomorrow. Please see the link below for further details.
Attention all MS and HS football players and families. Picture day is FRIDAY October 2, 2020. Forms were sent home with players.
Please see the attached letter in regards to Executive Order 2020-185, requiring K-12th grade students to wear a facial covering while in classrooms. This order will take effect on Monday, October 5, 2020.
In order to be able to provide instruction for students on a daily basis, we are in desperate need for substitutes in all areas! Without subs, we will be forced to transition to remote learning days when staff are out sick.
We've linked below the state of Michigan requirements for substitute teachers. Please feel free to share widely!
The district has had situation connected to the football game at Alcona last Friday night(9/25) that includes potential exposure to COVID-19. Please see the linked letters below.
Athletic Event Letter
Athletic Quarantine Letter
There will be no Varsity football practice today Monday 9/28/2020.
Our meal “GRAB & GO” from 4pm-6pm in the Middle School parking lot will be starting soon! Please do not exit your vehicle. Open your trunk and staff will place meals inside.
We have a free meal “GRAB & GO” today, Monday, September 28 in the MS parking lot from 4pm-6pm. Meals are free and available for all children age 18 and younger. “Grab & Go’s” during the school year are designed for students working from home or out of school.