A special shout out to the Alcona Junior Honor Society members who kicked off their in-school volunteering this month! This week 8th graders volunteered by recycling in the middle/high school and 7th graders volunteered in the Student Locker, our new student resource room! #TigerPride #AJHS
about 4 years ago, Helen-Ann Cordes
A special shout out to the Alcona Junior Honor Society members who kicked off their in-school volunteering this month! This week 8th graders volunteered by recycling in the middle/high school and 7th graders volunteered in the Student Locker, our new student resource room! #TigerPride #AJHS
A special shout out to the Alcona Junior Honor Society members who kicked off their in-school volunteering this month! This week 8th graders volunteered by recycling in the middle/high school and 7th graders volunteered in the Student Locker, our new student resource room! #TigerPride #AJHS
For today's #TBT we're doing a shout out to the 1973-1974 yearbook! Check out the 1973 homecoming and Junior/Senior Powder-Puff Football teams. #AlconaAlumni #TigerPride #GoTigers
about 4 years ago, Helen-Ann Cordes
For today's #TBT we're doing a shout out to the 1973-1974 yearbook! Check out the 1973 homecoming and Powder-Puff Football teams. #AlconaAlumni #TigerPride #GoTigers
For today's #TBT we're doing a shout out to the 1973-1974 yearbook! Check out the 1973 homecoming and Powder-Puff Football teams. #AlconaAlumni #TigerPride #GoTigers
For today's #TBT we're doing a shout out to the 1973-1974 yearbook! Check out the 1973 homecoming and Powder-Puff Football teams. #AlconaAlumni #TigerPride #GoTigers
Attention High/Middle school families. Picture forms for Oct. 30th will be sent home with your students today or tomorrow. All virtual students have a form in the office that can be picked up or pictures can be ordered online using the following information:
about 4 years ago, Kasey Cordes
Ordering code and information.
Just a friendly reminder that NHS still has $5 t-shirts available. We have sizes small through extra large in both colors. You can contact Dr. Willey or anyone on NHS. :)
about 4 years ago, Mandie Willey
$5 S-XL
Seniors: FAFSA Night reminder! Tuesday Oct 20th 6-7:30p in the auditorium. This is not required. If you can't make it, we'll have a step by step help guide up on the College and Career website soon. A list of what to bring is in the 12th grade folder and in an email sent today.
about 4 years ago, Megan Vankoningsveld
Alcona Cross Country performed well today at the Hale invitational. Four runners received medals. Carter Upper was 10th for varsity boys, Sara Decker 8th and Karen Sharboneau 10th for varsity girls, and Cole Upper was 1st for middle school boys. Great job Alcona!
about 4 years ago, Tammy Nelson
Carter, Cole, Sara, Karen
The high school auditorium and special education rooms will be closed to high school students on Wednesday, October 14th due to the SAT and PSAT tests. Only high school students who will be taking the tests or attending dual enrollment classes should come into school on that day. All middle school and elementary classes will run as normal. If you have any questions, please contact the high school office at 736-8534.
about 4 years ago, Christie Thomas
Our meal “GRAB & GO” from 4pm-6pm in the Middle School parking lot will be starting soon! Please do not exit your vehicle. Open your trunk and staff will place meals inside.
about 4 years ago, Shannon Leeseberg
Grab & Go Menu
Attention MS/HS Families. School pictures will be Friday October 30th 11-1 for any high school students and virtual students. Picture order forms should be arriving by mail this week.
about 4 years ago, Kasey Cordes
The 6th graders are using peer editing strategies to offer compliments, suggestions and corrections on poems written by their classmates.
about 4 years ago, Jessica Stewart
The high school auditorium and special education rooms will be closed to students on Wednesday, October 14th due to the SAT and PSAT tests. Only high school students who will be taking the tests or attending dual enrollment classes should come into school on that day. All middle school and elementary classes will run as normal. If you have any questions, please contact the high school office at 736-8534.
about 4 years ago, Christie Thomas
Alcona high school is offering an opportunity for all 9th-12th grade students to take the SAT (12th) or PSAT (9-11th) tests that were not given last year due to the shutdown. If a student would like to participate, please have them check their school email for more information and to reserve their spot. The first test date will be October 14th for 11th and 12th grade students. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Christie Thomas
We have a free meal “GRAB & GO” today, Monday, October 12 in the MS parking lot from 4pm-6pm. Meals are free and available for all children age 18 and younger. “Grab & Go’s” during the school year are designed for students working from home or out of school.
about 4 years ago, Shannon Leeseberg
Grab & Go Today
Our next meal “Grab & Go” is tomorrow, Monday, October 12 from 4pm-6pm in the Middle School parking lot. Meals are free and available for all children age 18 and younger, including our virtual students.
about 4 years ago, Shannon Leeseberg
Grab and Go Schedule
Alcona Soccer playing Alpena, first half 20 minutes in the score is 2-1, Alcona. Goals scored by Tim Jamieson and Joel Steiner.
over 4 years ago, Tammy Nelson
Alcona vs Alpena Soccer
Have you had trouble with your school hotspot or Chromebook lately? An update may solve these issues. An email was sent to all students with a link on how to update a Chromebook. If you continue to have issues, you can put in a technology ticket by going to alcona.freshdesk.com. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Christie Thomas
Alcona high school is offering an opportunity for all 9th-12th grade students to take the SAT (12th) or PSAT (9-11th) tests that were not given last year due to the shutdown. If a student would like to participate, please have them check their school email for more information and to reserve their spot. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Christie Thomas
Attention MS/HS families. Pictures will be on October 30th. Please be patient with us as we firm up the times for grades and virtual students. We will communicate that information as soon as it becomes available.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Cordes
Be ready for the football game tonight! Visit the Alcona Tiger Den and pick up your supplies! You can have items shipped or picked up at the HS lobby. Visit www.alconatigerden.com
over 4 years ago, Aimee Renchenski
For today's #TBT we're doing a shout out to the 1996-1997 yearbook! Check out the Senior Most Likely page, Senior Mix-ups, PALS program, and more. #AlconaAlumni #TigerPride #GoTigers
over 4 years ago, Helen-Ann Cordes
For today's #TBT we're doing a shout out to the 1996-1997 yearbook! Check out the Senior Most Likely page, Senior Mix-ups, PALS program, and more. #AlconaAlumni #TigerPride #GoTigers
For today's #TBT we're doing a shout out to the 1996-1997 yearbook! Check out the Senior Most Likely page, Senior Mix-ups, PALS program, and more. #AlconaAlumni #TigerPride #GoTigers
For today's #TBT we're doing a shout out to the 1996-1997 yearbook! Check out the Senior Most Likely page, Senior Mix-ups, PALS program, and more. #AlconaAlumni #TigerPride #GoTigers
For today's #TBT we're doing a shout out to the 1996-1997 yearbook! Check out the Senior Most Likely page, Senior Mix-ups, PALS program, and more. #AlconaAlumni #TigerPride #GoTigers