Great job Sara Decker at the State Final Cross Country meet. She placed 129 out of 235 runners. What a great experience for Sara.
over 5 years ago, Tammy Nelson
Great job Sara.
Ready to start the race. Good luck SARA Decker.
over 5 years ago, Tammy Nelson
Good luck SARA.
November 1st is day one of 30 drawings for the robotics raffle. The lucky number was 776. Since this ticket was unsold, ticket number 500 was drawn and a very excited $500 winner was contacted. Thank you to the community for buying so many tickets!! We do still have a few if you would like in on the next 29 drawings. Still lots of cash to give away.
over 5 years ago, Rachel Somers
Halloween fun continued!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Stewart
More Halloween fun from the 6th graders!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Stewart
Halloween 3
Halloween 1
Halloween 2
Happy Halloween! The 6th graders are building Jack-O-Lanterns and writing about them using Google.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Stewart
Halloween 2
Halloween 3
Halloween 4
Halloween 1
We have a great crowd in attendance for tonight’s band/choir concert. Let the show begin!
over 5 years ago, Dan O'Connor
Band Concert
We're excited to offer free tutoring for middle and high school students! Join us every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in room 407 from 3:20pm - 4:20pm.
over 5 years ago, Helen-Ann Cordes
We're excited to offer free tutoring for middle and high school students! Join us every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in room 407.
Michigan Landmark Virtual Tour Projects!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Stewart
Comerica Park
Comerica Park
Holland, MI
The 6th graders are taking a virtual tour of Michigan Landmarks. We are using Minecraft and Google Slides to share our research and knowledge.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Stewart
Slide 4
Band/Choir Reminders: -Fundraiser forms are due! -Fall Concert is at 6:00 pm tomorrow, Oct. 30th (call time is 5:30 pm for all students)
over 5 years ago, Emma Pendergrass
Seniors, Parents, and Guardians: Mark your calendar for our FAFSA workshop on Tuesday, November 5. All seniors considering college (and their parents/guardians) are highly encouraged to attend this workshop to receive help with completing their FAFSA.
over 5 years ago, Helen-Ann Cordes
Seniors, Parents, and Guardians: Mark your calendar for our FAFSA workshop on Tuesday, November 5. All seniors considering college (and their parents/guardians) are highly encouraged to attend this workshop to receive help with completing their FAFSA.
Seniors, Parents, and Guardians: Mark your calendar for our FAFSA workshop on Tuesday, November 5. All seniors considering college (and their parents/guardians) are highly encouraged to attend this workshop to receive help with completing their FAFSA.
Alcona Schools recently took 60 junior and senior students to ACC for their open house event. Students had the opportunity to learn more about degree programs and career and technical education certificates available at the college. Thank you to ACC for sponsoring this visit!
over 5 years ago, Helen-Ann Cordes
Alcona Schools recently took 60 junior and senior students to ACC for their open house event. Students had the opportunity to learn more about degree programs and career and technical education certificates available at the college. Thank you to ACC for sponsoring this visit!
Alcona Schools recently took 60 junior and senior students to ACC for their open house event. Students had the opportunity to learn more about degree programs and career and technical education certificates available at the college. Thank you to ACC for sponsoring this visit!
Alcona Schools recently took 60 junior and senior students to ACC for their open house event. Students had the opportunity to learn more about degree programs and career and technical education certificates available at the college. Thank you to ACC for sponsoring this visit!
Alcona Schools recently took 60 junior and senior students to ACC for their open house event. Students had the opportunity to learn more about degree programs and career and technical education certificates available at the college. Thank you to ACC for sponsoring this visit!
Peer editing continues in the 6th grade! Compliments, suggestions and corrections. On our way to a polished piece of writing.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Stewart
Pic 3
Pic 2
Pic 1
We hosted the North Star League Varsity Volleyball tournament today. Want to send a huge shoutout to all those involved in getting this put together for all 11 teams, volunteers for putting in a long day of work, parents and spectators for coming to watch the teams play and the athletes for a very positive and enjoyable event. Congratulations goes to Oscoda for winning the Big Dipper trophy and Hale for taking home the Little Dipper trophy!!!
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Neuenfeldt
Heading to Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn Michigan, Saturday November 2nd with Sara Decker for cross country.
over 5 years ago, Eddie Barber
Sara Decker
The Tigers defeated Roscommon to finish 4-5 for the season. Way to finish strong!
over 5 years ago, Dan O'Connor
Game Summary
Parents night for the last game of the season for our Alcona Tigers. Current 26-28 Roscommon end of the third.
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Neuenfeldt
MSU Extension is pleased to announce that course registrations for the Building Early Emotional Skills (BEES) online classes for both parents and for early childhood professionals are now open. Building Early Emotional Skills for Parents: Building Early Emotional Skills is a free eight-week course that helps parents and caregivers of children ages 0-3 to develop the skills needed to support the social and emotional development of their child. This course is online and self-paced. It is expected to take approximately one hour per week to complete the course content. Fall course begins on October 28th. Registration will close on November 4th. Registration information: BEES for Parents: Trouble with tantrums? Not sure what to do to support your toddlers big emotions? Join MSU Extension's Building Early Emotional Skills eight-week online series starting October 28th! Registration closes November 4th! For parents of children ages 0-3. Register: Building Early Emotional Skills for Early Childhood Professionals: Building Early Emotional Skills (BEES) for Early Childhood professionals is an opportunity to learn more about how children develop important social emotional skills, and how you can help them learn to understand and express their emotions appropriately. This course is online and self-paced. It is expected to take approximately one hour per week to complete the course content. This training is approved in MiRegistry for 8 hours. Fall course begins on October 28th. Registration will close on November 4th. Registration Information: Shareable Facebook Post for BEES for Professionals: Join other early childhood professionals for this free, eight-week, online self-paced training beginning October 28th. Registration closes November 4th. BEES is approved in MiRegistry for 8 hours of training. There is no charge. Click here for more information and to register:
over 5 years ago, Dan O'Connor
The 6th graders are hard at work peer editing each other’s poems written in memoir form!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Stewart
Peer editing 1
Peer editing 2
Peer edit 3
Peer edit 4