Alcona Community School Forest Trail

Alcona Community Schools are thrilled to welcome you to our new school forest nature trail! It’s been at least a four-year journey to get to today. The process started while our current agri-science teacher, Connor Hubbard, was a student and eventually connected with Maureen Castern-French on a dream to acquire a property connected to the school that could be utilized for student and community purposes.
Fast forward to 2019, the district was able to timber their property in Caledonia Township to utilize proceeds to purchase the 43 acres desired by Maureen and Connor years ago. They both had the vision for the future and it was time for Alcona Community Schools to make it happen.
Between that 2019 purchase, the stakeholders fought through COVID-19 and the dilemmas and pause in progress that it presented, but forged forward, even during the complicated spring and summer of 2020 Ironically the school forest trail started with a brush hog, Warren MacNeil, Courtney Winter(XC runner), and the Nelson family beginning to cut through the new school property.
The district has huge hopes/plans for the future of this property:
Comprehensive mapping signage
Agri-science livestock & planting of vegetation
School/community outdoor classroom
Integration of school trail and XC trail to encompass all seasons
Connection of school trail to Lincoln for hiking
Interpretive signage for the school trail
We are thrilled to share the school forest with the community! Thank you for all each of you have today to celebrate the start of this incredible opportunity for the community, students, and staff.
Below are some Stewardship projects that the English 3 classes have been working on all year and have contributed to the property:
Thank you to everyone who helped make this property and these projects happen! We wouldn't be here today without the following people:
Connor Hubbard - Ag Science teacher & Property Team Member
Jenny Schroeder - K-5 Science Teacher & Property Team Member
Tina Stern - Agris-Science Paraprofessional & Property Team Member
Tim Lee - Elementary Principal & Property Team Member
Tammy Nelson - XC Coach & Property Team Member
Helen Ann Cordes - Career Navigator & Property Team Member
Elizabeth Thomson- Middle School Science Teacher & Property Team Member
Travis Boik-School Social Worker & Property Team Member
Jamie Payne- 4th Grade Teacher & Property Team Member
Sarah Hechlik- High School English Teacher & Property Team Member
Warren MacNeill - Board of Education Member & Property Team Member
Maureen Castern-French - Visionary and Farm to Fork Member
Mary Ellen Jones - Visionary & Farm to Fork Member
Judy MacNeill - Visionary & Farm to Fork Member
Mr. Tim Campbell- High School Woodshop Teacher & Bench Constructor
Mr. Ben Erickson- High School English Teacher & Disc Golf Coordinator
Rodney Kilbourn - Realtor - Byce Realty
Rebecca Abend - Realtor - Abram Realty
Harmon Logging - Logger of Caledonia Property
Alcona County Commissioners
Alcona Conservation District
Alcona FFA Alumni
Alcona Health Center
Inspiration Alcona
MSU Extension
MiSTEM Network
Northern Michigan Learning Consortium
Pines - Supporter of Caledonia & 43 Acre Project
Eric Brandon - Forester
NEMIGLSI - Supporter of Caledonia & 43 Acres Project
Eric Ostrander - Harrisville State Park
Billie and Bill Thompson - Local Supporters
Alcona Maintenance Staff
George Hirschfelt, Mike Corn, Don Neuenfeldt
Danny Kukowski & Lincoln Sand and Gravel
Alex Code & Line 45
Quentin McNichols - Forester
Alcona Schools Staff/Students - Engagement & Support
Alcona Board of Education:
Chad Spitsnagel - President
Warren MacNeill - Vice President
Joel Blohm - Secretary
Erika Rice - Treasurer
Steve Yokom - Trustee
Vicky Hansen - Trustee
Brandon - Schroeder - Trustee
We are thrilled to share the school forest with the community! Thank you for all each of you have today to celebrate the start of this incredible opportunity for the community, students, and staff.
Go Tigers!