Alcona Community Schools Scholarships - Local

Alcona Community Schools Scholarships

Due: Monday, March 10, 2025 at 12pm

*No late applications will be accepted. In the event of a snow day applications will be due the next regular school day at 12pm. Scholarship applications must be turned in to Ms. Cordes in room 405, do NOT give them to another person to submit or turn them in to the office.

ACS scholarships are local scholarships that are facilitated through Alcona High School and only available for ACS graduating seniors unless specifically stated otherwise. ACS scholarships open on December 19, 2024 at the Senior Success Summit. A fillable PDF document will be linked to each scholarship title.  For questions contact Ms. Helen-Ann Cordes, ACS Scholarship Coordinator, at or (989) 736-8534 x 4405.

ACS Scholarships will be awarded at The Class of 2025 Senior Awards Night on Wednesday, May 14, 2024 at 7pm in the Alcona Community Schools Auditorium. New this year, we will be partnering with the Evening with the Arts Program! Attendees will be able to explore the art show before and after the awards program.

Alcona Community Schools Senior Scholarship Links:

  • Class of 2025 Scholarship Update Letter - Click Here

  • Class of 2025 Scholarship Presentation - Click Here

  • ACS Scholarship Checklist & Requirements - Click Here

  • Scholarship Notes/Reminders - Click Here

  • High School Activities Tracking Sheet Template - Click Here

  • LaGuardia CC Personal Statement Help Guide - Click Here

  • ACS Unofficial Transcript Request Directions - Click Here

  • Need a Copy of your SAT Scores for Scholarships? Visit

    If you can't log-in you must call, school staff do not have access to your account. SAT scores may be on your ACS transcripts, confirm this with Ms. VK.

  • College/University Scholarship Information - Click Here

Are you interested in starting a scholarship for Alcona High School graduates? Check out our Information for Starting a Scholarship guide.

ACS General Scholarship Application (for scholarships 1 - 19 and 32)
Alcona Community Schools scholarships number 1 - 19 and 32 use the general application. Complete and print this one application to apply for these scholarships. Check the scholarships you are applying for on page one of the application.

1. Alcona Classic Tractor & Engine Club Scholarship

2. Alcona Community Schools Class of 1979 Memorial Scholarship 

3. Alcona Community Schools Class of 2008 Scholarship

4. Alcona Education Association Scholarship

5. Au Sable Valley Trail Riders

6. Barton City Eagles 4141 Aerie Scholarship

7. Barton City Eagles 4141 Auxiliary Scholarship

8. Barton City Improvement Association Scholarship

9. Dirt, Inc. Scholarship

10. Harrisville Arts Council Scholarship

11. Harrisville Lady Lions Scholarship

12. Harrisville Lions Club Scholarship

13. Jason R. Prince Memorial Scholarship

14. Lincoln Lions Memorial Scholarship

15. Mikado American Legion Auxiliary Unit 254 Scholarship

16. Mikado American Legion Unit 254 Scholarship

17. Mikado Goodfellows Scholarship

18. New Life Lutheran Church Scholarship

19. North Country Heavy Equipment School Scholarship, Midwest Truck Driving School Scholarship, and/or Log Truck Forestry Program Scholarship

32. David Somers Athletic Scholarship

20. Alcona 4-H Advisory Council Scholarship
Applicants must have been a member of the Alcona 4-H program for 3 of the last 5 years, must be pursuing a post-high school trade certificate or college degree, must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and must complete an application with attachments and endorsements.

21. Alcona Community Schools Recognition Scholarship
Students are nominated for this scholarship.

22. Alcona FFA Alumni and Supporters Scholarship
Must be a graduating senior of Alcona High School. Recipients must be an active member of the Alcona FFA Chapter and pursuing a post high school degree or training. 

23. Alcona Masonic Lodge #292 Foundation
Any graduating senior in Alcona County, Michigan.

24. Frances and Robert Darton Scholarship, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Must be a graduating senior of Alcona High School with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Please enclose a copy of page 1 of parents 1040. This scholarship is based on need. *Even if you do not think you qualify for the need-based portion of this scholarship, students are still encouraged to apply.

*No scholarship in 2025 due to unforeseen circumstances

25. Jacqueline L. Kelly Memorial Scholarship
Must be a graduating senior of Alcona High School. Jacqueline L. Kelly was passionate about supporting all students, loved inspiring those facing adversity, and served as a true advocate of not judging a book by its cover. The Jacqueline L. Kelly Memorial Scholarship is awarded to graduating seniors of Alcona High School that exhibit these same characteristics, have faced challenges, and overcome obstacles throughout their life.

26. Knights of Columbus: Wayne Siebert Memorial Scholarship
Must be a graduating senior of Alcona High School. Focuses on students continuing their education in the trades/career and technical education field.

27. Lilley-McDougall Scholarship
Must be a graduating senior of Alcona High School. Students must live in Curtis Township and be planning to attend a college or trade school in the fall. 

28. Rhonda Blohm Memorial Scholarship
Must be a graduating senior of Alcona High School and have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher. This scholarship is for undergraduate study at any school.

29. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Scholarship
Must be a graduating senior of Alcona High School. Include a copy of page 1 of parents 1040.

30. Stu's Crew, Inc. Memorial Scholarship
Must be a graduating senior of Alcona High School. 

31. Les Thomas Sr Community Service Scholarship
Must be an Alcona County graduate.

Community Foundation Scholarships - Local

Community Foundation Scholarships
Scholarship Application Opens: January 1
Deadline: Annually on March 1 @ 11:59pm (online application system)

Community Foundation Scholarships

Community Foundation Scholarships are local scholarships that are facilitated through the Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan. For questions contact: Ms. Jennifer Dingman by email at or phone at (989) 354-6881.

There are over 100 scholarships offered through the CFNM, including many specifically for Alcona High School graduates. To apply for these scholarships, create an online account through the CFNM website. You will complete one online application and be automatically entered into all the scholarships you are eligible for. One thing to note is some scholarships are based on financial need. In your online application you will be asked "Would you like to apply for need-based scholarships (answering no will make you ineligible for select scholarships)?" If you think you could fall into the financial need category mark yes for this question. Note if you mark yes you must put your expected family contribution from your FAFSA and attach a PDF of your Student Aid Report (SAR) from the first page of your FAFSA. If you do not have a copy of your SAR you will have to log-in to your FAFSA and download the PDF.

CFNEM Scholarship Notes:

  • Eugene Nemeth Scholarship: If you qualify for this scholarship you may be contacted to provide tax documentation to show financial need. 

  • Jamie Richardson Art Scholarship: If you qualify for this scholarship make sure to upload 2 pictures, recordings, or videos of artwork (painting, drawing, sculpture, recording of music, etc).

College and University Scholarships - Local/Michigan

Alpena Community College Logo

Alpena Community College Scholarships
Scholarship Application Opens: January 2025
Deadline: Annually on March 1 @ 11:59pm (online application system)

Alpena Community College Scholarships are local scholarships that are facilitated by ACC Foundation for perspective and/or returning students. If you are planning to attend ACC in the fall make sure to apply for their scholarships. For questions contact: Ms. Brenda Herman, ACC Foundation Director, at or (989) 358-7297.

*ACC uses the same software system as the Community Foundation, you apply online with one application and it automatically enters you for all the scholarships you are eligible for. Note you must have ACC login information to complete your application (you get your login information after you apply to ACC). If you do not know your ACC login credentials (and you have applied, are DE, or EC) contact the ACC Help Desk at or 989-358-7374

Delta Community College Logo

Delta College Scholarships
Scholarship Application Opens: December
Deadline: Annually on February 1

Delta College Scholarships are local scholarships that are facilitated by Delta College Foundation for perspective and/or returning students. If you are planning to attend Delta in the fall make sure to apply for their scholarships. For questions contact: Ms. Sheryl Kiscadden, DC Scholarship and Data Coordinator, or (989) 686-9224.

Kirtland Community College Logo

Kirtland Community College Scholarships
Scholarship Application Opens: April 8
Deadline: July 7

Kirtland Community College Scholarships are local scholarships that are facilitated by Kirtland Foundation for perspective and/or returning students. If you are planning to attend Kirtland in the fall make sure to apply for their scholarships. For questions contact: Ms. Teresa Money, Admissions Recruitment Specialist, or (989) 275-5000 x 258.

Tawas Elks Lodge Logo

Tawas Elks Lodge #2525 Community Scholarship ($1,000)
Scholarship Opens: February
Deadline: April 30

Must be attending Alpena Community College, Delta College, or Kirtland Community College. 

Alcona Schools

Other Colleges and Universities - Michigan
Visit Ms. VK’s College and Career website for links to scholarships for other colleges and universities in Michigan. Note the deadlines to apply vary by institution.

Miscellaneous Scholarships - Michigan

Miscellaneous Scholarships are scholarships that are sent to Alcona High School by other organizations. These scholarships are not facilitated through the school and have various requirements and deadlines. For questions see each individual scholarship application. Students should double check the scholarship due dates and other requirements as they can change.
You should not have to pay to apply to a scholarship. While we do our best to filter opportunities and make sure they are legitimate, it is possible for us to miss one. If a scholarship database asks you to purchase a service or pay a fee in order to apply, let Ms. Cordes know and it will be removed from our website. 

Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union Scholarship  ($1,000)
Be a graduating senior of Alpena, Alcona, Cheboygan, Emmet, Iosco, Montmorency, or Presque Isle County or upon completion of your 13th Year/Early College Program. Enroll in a full-time college or other continued education program after high school graduation. Applicant must become a member before scholarship is disbursed. This scholarship is available to college bound and trade school students.
Scholarship Application Opens: February
Deadline: April 5

Association of General Contractors of Michigan ($2,000)
For college sophomores or juniors that attend a university in Michigan. Program of study requirements: Construction management, civil engineering, or related field. Scholarship Application Opens: September/October
Deadline: January 31

BCBSM Leadership Development Association Speech Contest ($250-$3,000)
Open to public, private, and home schooled students in grades 9-12 that reside in Michigan.
Deadline: January 21

Detroit News Outstanding High School Graduate Program ($1,000)
This scholarship recognizes the best high school seniors in our state. Please communicate with Ms. Cordes if you plan to apply for this award. Our school can only nominate 2 seniors per category and must approve all applications. The category areas are: Athletics, Health, Journalism, Language Arts, Mathematics, Performing Arts, Science, Visual Arts, Vocational/Technical, World Studies, and Special-Against All Odds. See a complete description of each category here. A press release of the 2024 recipients is available here.
Deadline: March 1

GreenStone Farm Credit Services Scholarship  ($1,000-$2,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: February
Deadline: February 28

Huron Shores Farm Bureau  ($500)
One scholarship will be awarded to a student in Alcona, Alpena, or Montmorency County. Preference is given to students pursing an education in an agriculture related field of study.
Scholarship Application Opens: November
Deadline: April 1

Lloyd F. Hutt Scholarship  ($2,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: November
Deadline: January 31

MEA (Michigan Education Association) Scholarship
For dependents of a MEA member or MEA-Retired member in good standing.
Deadline: February 10

Michigan Achievement Scholarship
Students who graduate from high school in Michigan with a diploma or certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency certificate in 2023 or after will be eligible for more financial aid from the State of Michigan. To be eligible for this scholarship you must file a FAFSA, have a $25k or lower EFC on FAFSA, and enroll full-time at an eligible Michigan institution within 15 months of completing high school. Scholarship flyer - Click Here.
Deadline: Complete FAFSA to Apply

Michigan American Legion Auxiliary Scholarships
The Michigan American Legion Auxiliary supports higher education through our various scholarship programs.
Deadline: March 10

Michigan Association of Timbermen Scholarship
The $2,000 Michigan Association of Timbermen's Warren Suchovsky Scholarship supports students pursuing forestry and related fields.
Deadline: March 8

Michigan American Legion William D. & Jewell Brewer and Guy M. Wilson Scholarships
Must be a Michigan resident, a direct descendant of an honorably discharged veteran or active duty service member, GPA of 2.5 or higher, and have financial need for the scholarship. Scholarship Opens: November
Deadline: January 3

Michigan Association of Fairs & Exhibitions Scholarship ($1,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: September
Deadline: November 2

Michigan FFA Alumni MSU Scholarship ($500)
Must be an FFA member attending MSU as a freshman in the fall and enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources or the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Scholarship Opens: February
Deadline: May 1

Michigan Elks Charitable Grant Fund for Special Needs Students ($2,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: October
Deadline: December 1

Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver
ELIGIBILITY - To be eligible for the MITW, you must meet the following criteria: • Qualify for admission at one of Michigan's public colleges or universities AND• Be ¼ or more Native American blood quantum as certified by your Tribal Enrollment Department AND• Are an enrolled citizen of a U.S. Federally Recognized Tribe as certified by your Tribal Enrollment Department AND• Be a legal resident of the state of Michigan for not less than 12 consecutive months.

Michigan Retailers Association Scholarship ($1,000-$1,500)
Scholarship Application Opens: January 1
Deadline: April 1

Michigan Senior and Student-View Scholarship Program ($500-$10,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: January 8
Deadline: April 23

Michigan Sheriffs' Association Criminal Justice Scholarship ($1,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: March 15
Deadline: May 1

Michigan Jump$tart Scholarship ($500)
Scholarship Application Opens: March 1
Deadline: April 30

National Honors Society ($3,200-$25,000)
Since 1946, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) has awarded more than $21 million in scholarships to outstanding NHS seniors. This year, we are awarding $2 million in scholarships to 600 students. Each year, scholarship recipients are selected based on their demonstration of the four pillars of NHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.
Deadline: December 1

Northeast Sunrise Chapter of the ABWA Impact Scholarships ($1,000 and $2,000)
A $2,000 scholarship is provided by the local chapter of the American Business Women's Association for female students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher and plans to attend a four year college/university and a $1,000 scholarship is provided by the American Business Women's Association for female students attending an accredited community, vocational, or technical school. Students can NOT apply for both scholarships. Applicants must be citizens of the United States and residents of AuSable, East Tawas, Glennie, Greenbush, Hale, Harrisville, Lincoln, National City, Oscoda, or Tawas City. Scholarship Application Opens: January 1
Deadline: March 31

Northland Area Federal Credit Union Jerry Erickson Scholarship ($1,000)
Northland awards ten $1,000 scholarships annually with the winning applications equally based on academic achievement, community service/involvement, and essay content. Scholarship Application Opens: January
Deadline: March 1

PIE&G Communities First Scholarship ($500-$1,000)
Note this scholarship application is the same as the PI&E Communities First Peterson's Vocational School Scholarship application.
Scholarship Application Opens: January 1
Deadline: March 1

Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation ($2,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: January 1
Deadline: March 1

SET SEG Skilled Trade Scholarship ($500)
Must be a Michigan resident, high school senior attending a Michigan public school, must have been enrolled in a CTE Program (and provide transcript), and must be enrolled in or plan to enroll in an accredited two-year college, technical school, or other accredited technical institutes in the next 12 months.
Scholarship Application Opens: March 
Deadline: April 15

Student Insights Scholarship ($500-$5,000)
Student Insights is offering a Michigan Senior Scholarship and Student-View Scholarship in 2023. Seniors can apply for both scholarships with one application.
Scholarship Application Opens: February 
Deadline: April 23

Sunrise Side Republican Women's Annual Scholarship ($2,000)
Must be a senior female student in the area of Oscoda, Tawas, Hale, Whittemore, or Alcona. Completed applications can be emailed to or snail mailed.
Scholarship Application Opens: November 1
Deadline: Last Friday in March

Tawas Area Elks Lodge #2525 Most Valuable Student Scholarship ($1,000-$30,000)
The Tawas Area Elks Lodge #2525 will award a $1,000 scholarship to the top male and female students in their local judging. In addition, the top six students in the Tawas Area Elks Lodge #2525 judging (three boys and three girls) will advance to the Northeast District judging.  Although no scholarships are awarded at the District level, winners from the District advance to the State judging where the National finalists from Mrichigan are determined, as well as additional $1,000 scholarship awards to the runner-ups. State scholarship winners advance to the national level where they could win up to $30,000. For more information about how to complete the application and a list of FAQs about the 2024 Elks Most Valuable Student scholarship contest click here.  While the Elks recognize that their application is quite lengthy and more detailed than other scholarship competitions, they believe the size of the awards merits the time required to complete the application.
Scholarship Application Opens: September
Deadline: November 13

Miscellaneous Scholarships - Nationally

Miscellaneous Scholarships are scholarships that are sent to Alcona High School by other organizations. These scholarships are not facilitated through the school and have various requirements and deadlines. For questions see each individual scholarship application. Students should double check the scholarship due dates and other requirements as they can change.
You should not have to pay to apply to a scholarship. While we do our best to filter opportunities and make sure they are legitimate, it is possible for us to miss one. If a scholarship database asks you to purchase a service or pay a fee in order to apply, let Ms. Cordes know and it will be removed from our website. 

Abbott & Fenner Business Consultants Scholarship ($1,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: June 
Deadline: December 31

AES Engineering Scholarship for All College Majors ($500)
Scholarship Application Opens: November
Deadline: October 8

AFA Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness College Scholarship Essay Contest ($400-$5,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: December
Deadline: March 1

African American Scholarships and Grants ($3,000-$62,500)
Scholarship Application Opens: May 
Deadline: March-April

American Legion Scholarships ($500)
The American Legion offers various national scholarships, such as the Samsung Scholarship, Legacy Scholarship, Baseball Scholarship, Oratorical Contest, Eagle Scout of the Year, Shooting Sports Scholarship, and more.

Association of General Contractors of America ($2,500-$7,500 Annually)
For undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in ABET or ACCE-accredited construction management or construction related engineering programs.
Scholarship Application Opens: August
Deadline: November 1

Be Bold No-Essay Scholarship ($25,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: November 
Deadline: November 30

BigSun Sports Scholarship for High School Athletes ($500)
Scholarship Application Opens: June
Deadline: December 31

BMW/SAE Engineering Scholarship ($1,500)
Scholarship Application Opens: December
Deadline: February 28

Burger King McLamore Foundation ($1,000-$50,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: December
Deadline: December 15

CNA Free Training Scholarship ($500)
Scholarship Application Opens: December
Deadline: April 2

Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarship ($1,000)
Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarship was created to honor the memory of those courageous and adventuresome pioneer women who played such an important role in the founding of this nation and encourage the present generation to continue their education in agricultural pursuits. Two scholarships are available to any farm, ranch or agribusiness woman or her daughter to pursue accredited courses in agriculture leadership, communications, rural sociology, medicine, or any other courses directly related to agriculture.
Scholarship Application Opens: January
Deadline: March 1

Daughters of American Revolution ($3,000-$5,000)
History, Economics, Government, and Political Science Scholarships. Scholarship Application Opens: November 1
Deadline: January 31

Davidson Institute Fellows Scholarship ($10,000 - $50,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: January 
Deadline: February 15

Foot Locker Scholar Athletes ($20,000)
Twenty scholarships are awarded to college-bound high school seniors to help phenomenal student-athletes pursue their goals of attending and excelling at a two-year or four-year community college or four-year school.
Scholarship Application Opens: December
Deadline: January

GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship ($10,000-$40,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: December 
Deadline: January 5

Gordon A. Rich Memorial Foundation ($50,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: January 
Deadline: February 16

John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest ($100-$10,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: September 
Deadline: January 13

Horatio Alger Career & Technical Scholarship ($2,500)
Scholarship Application Opens: March
Deadline: October

Horatio Alger National Scholarship ($25,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: September 
Deadline: March 15

Imagine America Foundation ($1,000)
For trade schools, including MIAT College of Technology, Lincoln Technical Institute, etc.
Deadline: December

(ISC)² Women's Cybersecurity Scholarship ($1,000-$6,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: January 
Deadline: February 28

Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc. Scholarship ($1,500-$6,000)
This scholarship is also available for students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program. Scholarship Application Opens: November 
Deadline: January 31

Microsoft Disability Scholarship ($20,000)
This scholarship will be awarded to promising high school seniors with disabilities who plan to attend a vocational or academic college and target a career in the technology industry. Scholarship Application Opens: September
Deadline: October

MENSA Foundation Scholarships ($500-$7,000)
This scholarship is also available for students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program. Scholarship Application Opens: October
Deadline: January 15

National FFA Scholarships ($1,000-$10,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: November 1
Deadline: January 11

National Honor Society Scholarship ($3,200-$25,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: September
Deadline: December 1

NITRO Scholarship ($2,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: January 
Deadline: December 31

Odenza Marketing Group Scholarship ($500)
Scholarship Application Opens: October
Deadline: November 15

Our Family Scholarship ($2,500)
The Lincoln Market is part of the Our Family brand! Seniors are eligible to apply for this academic scholarship opportunity. 30 scholarships will be awarded in total. Eligible students must be 18 years of age or older and live in Michigan or one of the other 20 eligible states.
Scholarship Application Opens: May 1
Deadline: August 31

Society of Manufacturing Engineers Scholarship ($1,000-$40,000)
This scholarship is also available for students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program, must be a permanent resident or citizen of the United States or Canada, minimum GPA of 2.0/4.0 or higher, and must be on a path toward an associate, bachelor’s or graduate degree in manufacturing engineering, technology, or closely related field at an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada. Scholarship Application Opens: November 
Deadline: February 1

Superpower Scholarship ($2,500)
Application: Answer the question: "What superhero or villain would you want to change places with for a day and why?" (250 words or less). Must be 14 years or older. Scholarship Application Opens: February 
Deadline: March 31

Taco Bell Live Mas Scholarship ($25,000)
This scholarship is also available for students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program. Scholarship Application Opens: November 
Deadline: January 11

The Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship ($5,000-$10,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: January 
Deadline: February 20

THIEL Fellowship for Entrepreneurs to Build New Things ($100,000)
Fellows skip or stop college for two years while they build their dream idea/company. This grant is for young people that want to build new things instead of sit in a classroom.
Scholarship Application Opens: Open Application, Apply Anytime 
Deadline: Open Application, No Deadline

Zippa Dream Job Scholarship ($1,000)
Scholarship Application Opens: February 
Deadline: December 31

Scholarship Databases

You should not have to pay to apply to a scholarship. While we do our best to filter opportunities and make sure they are legitimate, it is possible for us to miss one. If a scholarship database asks you to purchase a service or pay a fee in order to apply, let Ms. Cordes know and it will be removed from our website.